Surgery is postponed. We got as far as hospital gowns, waiting rooms, black marks on her ears, and even anesthesia--but then the doctor postponed it. Turns out Brynn had a little fluid in her ear. Although it wasn't infected, the risks of infection go way up when fluid is present so it wasn't safe to proceed.

We don't know the new date yet because organizing a time for a 4-5 hour surgery in the crowded Operating Room of Children's Mercy is not an easy thing to do.
I'll confess, we're pretty disappointed but that's life, right?
To be continued . . .
I'm so sorry Natalie. We are all thinking of you guys and keep you in our prayers. Love you!
That certainly is life! And I can't stop thinking about how gorgeous you are!
Her tiny gown is so cute. Aw, I'm sorry for the disappointment. I hope it can be rescheduled quicklyish!
I am so sorry to hear that. How disappointing! You guys are such good parents to that sweet baby. I hope that fluid in the ears goes away quickly. My Kate has never had ear problems, but every time a doctor looks in her ears she has fluid. At first I let them give me antibiotics to clear it, and then I learned that it is just always there and she is not sick with it and it doesn't bother her or anything. Sorry to ramble here. You guys are in our prayers!
Even after all that... you'd think somehow that could be detected before you go so far!
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