This photo was taken at 29.5 weeks, but I felt MUCH bigger after I got off mag so we took a picture to prove it:

Too bad photos never tell the truth of what we see in real life. If I don't look much bigger--you'll just have to take my word for it--or flatter me anyway :)
I'm throwing a party tonight--by celebrating a "hot" hospital date with my husband who returns from Utah this evening, and coercing my wonderful parents into buying me a balloon! Thanks Mom and Dad for indulging me!
Yay YAY YAY!! And you do look bigger!
You're HUGE!!! :)
Congrats Nat! And yes that baby looks like she's growing!!!
You DO look big! And how on earth does your hair look so good, and how are you wearing a cute shirt when you're on bed rest? You're cuter than me, and I'm not in the hospital. I'm so happy for you and Heidi, making it this far. You're doing great!
To The Girl: Hahaha. You'll notice I cropped my face since 90% of the time I don't wear make-up. And my hair looks like that when I take it out of a sloppy bun, especially when it's on its greasy day-2 without a shower!
Yippeeeee!!! The 30's are looking great on you. :)
You really do look bigger! So happy for you!
You're looking great!! I'm loving the belly, I bet you've never been so excited to see 30! May one more week come your way!
hip hip hooray!!! and you actually do look bigger.
Hooray! Two more weeks to go (or more preferably). You are looking bigger. Sorry for the lack of visits, the fam's been sick this week and we didn't want to share it with you (rude of us eh?). Maybe we'll be good enough next week to bring you some treats. Hang in there!
Hey there... don't get too big, after all you are only 30 weeks! hahah! I am going to go to the NICU reunion, so if you feel like company, Emilia and I will pop in for a quick hello (if you are not sleeping)! Hope to see that tummy continue to get bigger!!!!
Agreed, you have definitely grown! Congrats on 30 weeks, I find myself counting every day with you. Its amazingly wonderful to see that you are still pregnant and Heidi is still growing happily inside. Only God could make that possible! God is good!
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