-- Implants are working marvelously! Brynn even smiles each time we turn them on after nights and naps.
-- She is expected to progress a little faster than a normal hearing child with activation day being "the day her ears were born." Thanks to the help of great therapists, she's right on schedule and doing well. With any luck, she will be caught up to her hearing peers for both speech and language by either kindergarten or first grade.
-- Her willingness to eat orally is coming along, too--she'll stick out her tongue and lick foods that seem safe. More and more, she'll try new things but chips remain her favorite.
-- Her motor skills are finally catching up! She learned to crawl and walk all at once and is getting better and better at cruising around the house. For the first time in her 20 months of life, Brynn is finally mobile!
Oh yes, and for all those who don't know yet:
I'm PREGNANT! And it's another GIRL (YAY)! I'm due November 19th, which means that in a little less than 3 weeks, I will be the same number of weeks that I was when my water broke with Brynn. Let's hope I can keep this little one in the oven for a much, much longer.
I'd show some ultrasound pictures, but the new perinatal specialist docs doing my sonograms are very talented at getting really creepy-looking photos. I feel like I have an alien growing in me instead of a cute little girl.
Now, for the part that everyone really wants:

Imagine hearing a "mmmMMMMM" on this one:

Not sure if she trusts Daddy's attempts at getting a smile for the camera:

Brynn is not a fan of sitting in grass:

congratulations on the pregnancy!!! Brynn is gorgeous and I'm so glad that she is doing so well.
What a cutie! I'm so excited for your pregnancy, and I pray for you!
You don't know me, by the way...I'm in your parents' ward. I had a baby in November, born at 27 weeks, so it's fun to see the similarities and differences between Brynn and my baby.
Keep up the good work, and I'll keep up the prayers!
Yeah!!!! So glad things are going well with little Brynn. Also we are very excited about the new little girl! Hoping all is going well
She looks so grown up, especially with the cute flower in her hair.
Congratulations on the pregnancy. :) I wish you well, and hope you can be an oven for a long while yet! So glad about Brynn's progress. It's an amazing, modern miracle.
Oh my gosh! Brynn is even more BEAUTIFUL than the last time I saw her.
I'm so excited that she will have a little sister. Sending you lots of good vibes for a full-term, take-home baby!
Beautiful Pics!
She is getting so big. What a cutie pie she is! I am so happy for you and for Brynn to have a little sister. How fun that will be for all of you. :)
Hurray! It was so nice to read an update on your family! Brynn looks like she's doing fantastic! And I'm so excited for you guys and your new little one! I hope all goes well!
She's so adorable! Congratulations on your pregnancy, I'm so happy for you guys!!!
CONGRATULATIONS!!!!! That's so exciting that Brynn is going to have a sister! It's so wonderful to hear of her progress and the little miracles in your life.
Does she have red hair? She is so cute! Congratulations on being pregnant and having another girl on the way! I am also pregnant and having another girl due in September! Love the pictures of Bryn.
Congrats!! And Brynn looks so beautiful! :)
Congrats! and what a cutie! I can't believe how much she's grown. Our prayers are with you with this upcoming little one. Praying she will stay in LONGER! What great progress to hear for Brynn! She definitely looks like her daddy! :) I'm sure in many ways it is NICE to finally have her mobile. Baylee finally crawled at 11 months, and I know so many people say enjoy it while it lasts and they aren't mobile and causing trouble, but at 11 months it felt like we finally finished the newborn stage, and it was kind of nice in many ways. It was a LONG stage (and that's not even close to 20 months. However Baylee is far from walking I think, and she's almost 15 months. We are enjoying not having to babyproof some things yet and I'm sure it will come soon enough, but I think when the time does finally come, we will be MORE THAN READY for her to be walking if that makes sense. Take care Nat!
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