2011Res: To Matt: It seems to me that you've been trying to help even more lately--like doing the dishes. THANK YOU, and I love you. To Brynn: Last night, after rocking you back to sleep three times when you woke up screaming (were you having flashbacks to retching, maybe?), we decided to let you sleep in our bed. I was pleasantly surprised this morning when you woke up, saying, "Bii (=Brynn) eat hot-dog?" Adorable! Although, sorry kid, hot-dogs aren't part of the B.R.A.T. diet first thing back from the flu. Dear Mr. H: today I chipped away at catching up on chores because I want to have a nice, clean home for you and your cousin visiting tonight.

Sendai was our mission, that's where Blaine and I were. We recognize some of those buildings, those roads, those places. Those are our people who are dying, missing, who have lost everything. Stupor is a good word for how we were last Friday. But no, not numb.
Wow, Alyson. I am so sorry. No words can offer solace, I'm sure, but I will include you in my prayers alongside our Japanese brothers and sisters.
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