Ever had one of those times in your life that you wonder if you even have a few minutes to breathe without something else needing dire attention?
Recently, I've been swamped--mostly because I've been preparing for this:
Planned Food Shortage in the US
Coming Global Food Shortage
Food Shortage Series Part I
Food Shortage Series Part II
Now, I don't consider myself an "alarmist." But I do believe in prophets and as members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, we've been told to have at least a year supply of food storage. We had followed this counsel, but recently sold our food storage in KS so we wouldn't have to move it twice (we're house sitting for my parents for 18 months while they serve a full time mission in Georgia but will move again when they get back).
After reading all those articles, I began to wonder about that decision! So...I went out and bought all my food storage again.
Knowing we will likely have to move some of the food I've purchased, I've asked myself the difference between being "extreme," "prepared," and "complacent." Am I worrying too much? I mean, we know the world is going to get really bad prior to the coming of Christ, and we know that no man knows either the day nor the hour of His coming, and we know that prophets have warned us to be prepared . . . isn't it better to be prepared always (and risk having to move a few more things than you'd like) than to let 18 months go by without being prepared at all?
Well, as I asked myself these questions, I came to the following conclusion: being "extreme" is moving into a hole, armed with supplies, and never coming out. Being "prepared" is continuing your regular life, just as if you weren't prepared--only you have this nice cushion of food, water, and basic necessities should anything happen. Being "complacent" is doing nothing.
So regardless what any of my readers think--especially my readers who don't believe in prophets--I'm okay if you label me "extreme." After all, someone always seems to be yelling that the sky is falling--but I can't tell you how much I love the feeling of peace I have when I am prepared, just in case it really does. Ahhhhhhhh.
Anyway, besides that, I've also been swamped from all the things I'm trying to gather and read about homeschooling. I've been trying to compile my thoughts before dumping them here, but I must say I have had some major insights and have learned an incredible amount about the subject. I've decided to tackle it in a short series of articles for any readers who are interested. Mostly, even if you think it's the dumbest idea on the planet, I at least hope to explain why I think it's going to be the most wonderful thing in the world for my family! Especially since I received this thoughtful comment recently:
"I can be that 'devil's advocate' if you will, about not home schooling. --Not to be mean, but to be honest and represent what those other people might be thinking.
"The talk of communism and immoral brainwashing when used as an argument for keeping kids at home is a turn off for me. In fact, the number of my friends who moved into ethnically homogeneous communities, purchased guns, and removed their kids from the public school system to keep them safe from "*those* people out there" honestly creeps me out.
"Personally, I look forward to when my kid(s) come home and tell me about the different religions and cultures they were exposed to at school. Eventually, and probably early on, they'll be exposed to things that are contrary to the Gospel, but that's how I'll teach them to be in the world, but not of it. If I'm lucky, missionary opportunities will come of it, and stronger testimonies.
"As for the time spent with your children, that is of course very precious. Again, with 'personally' being a key word, I think I would go bonkers if I spent nearly every waking hour with my kid(s). I don't have a problem telling people that I need my own time to be a better mom. When I'm 60 will I wish I had spent more time with my kids? Sure, what woman is free from the mommy guilt thing. But I'll be proud to say that what I did spend was quality time."
This was a great comment and much appreciated. In fact, I had many similar thoughts which is why I swore I'd never home school. But, starting soon, I will go in to the pros and cons, the reasons that convinced me it was the best option for our family, and then end with the loud statement that I respect others' choice to do differently.
Well, the girls are awake! Until next time...
2011Res: To Matt: I love how respectful you were to my concerns this morning. To my girls: today I savored watching Brynn kiss Heidi and rock her gently in the swing while I was getting dressed. I have such sweet girls! Dear Mr H: today I emailed you that receipt IMMEDIATELY when you asked instead of procrastinating like usual :)

1 comment:
I agree with you on the food storage thing. I'd rather have to pack it around that not have it!
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