Before I say a word about anything else, I just have to praise Matt's boss. Bosses and companies don't get any better. They've been paying to fly him back and forth (including the last-minute, high-cost tickets for the many false-alarm deliveries) this whole time. They've been encouraging him to miss really important meetings if it means he can be here for the delivery. They've been telling him not to be "that guy" that prioritizes work over family.
As often as we've been sensitive to running out of good will, they have continued to support us anyway. It's just amazing and we are so grateful. THANK YOU, WECC.
Now, we can finally get settled in UT so this hairy chapter will be over, and everyone is looking forward to it. We're packing on the 10th, loading on the 11th, closing on the house on the 12th, and flying out on the 13th. If Heidi hasn't come on her own already, we're inducing on Nov 4th (one day before 38 weeks) to make sure Delta will let us fly on the 13th. That feels a lot safer to me than Oct 30th.
As an extra added bonus, my mom may be able to come out the week of recovery (if Heidi stays in until induction day) and moving--which we never thought she'd be able to do. I can't believe my mom will be able to be here! So exciting!!!
Just like it always does, things are finally falling into place. It'll be crazy, but it'll be manageable.
I'm so sad you're moving. :-( But I'm glad that Heidi is going to be "big" and healthy and that things are working out for you. P.S. I need to come visit next week so I can collect my special pillow and chick-flicks back. Cam definitely hasn't missed me forcing him to watch them with me, but I would sure miss them. :)
So happy to hear the good news as things slowly begin to fall into place. Nov. 4th does sound much better! Though I will still be SHOCKED if she stays in there till then. 5.5 cm, that is NUTS! I remember praying that somehow I would get to a 4 by my next appt so they would just go ahead and admit me with my second(all I had to do was be at a 4 - though it didn't happen, so to hear you are at 5.5 and she's not trying to come is CRAZY to me. Congrats on 36 weeks!!!! And NO DOUBT that is one amazing company! So glad to hear of such an amazing job blessing you guys have!
You look just like Brynn in this picture! Congrats on being 36 weeks!
yay! looking good, mama! but i want to see the polka dot shirt!!
Oooo, look how cute you are! I'm so excited that you made it to 36 weeks, just keep her in a little longer!
Its GREAT to see you with a BIG belly! You look AWESOME!
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